Friday, April 3, 2009

Nightmare Before Christmas

So completly by surprise and not expecting it at all, I opened my facebook page to find aNOTHER message from a complete stranger wanting me to make her favour boxes for her child's thrid birthday. Well, I can't tell you all how exciting that is for me. I had planned on doing business for myself- but I sure wasn't expecting to be approached out of the blue like that! So- this woman's FAVOURITE movie happens to be A Nightmare Before Christmas- it is a great movie :) I watched WAY back when it first came out and would love to watch it with my kiddos. She already had invites and other things ordered from elsewhere- which was a bit of a bummer cuz I could have done those too- BUT work with what you have, be thankful for what you get and realize that when something DOESN'T happen.... it's probably for the best. I could tell that if I took on too big of a task I'd be over extending myself.
So here is what I came up with:

She wanted black and dark purple, so I came up with this. It's a simple 2-5-7-10 box that I cut the center out with my Fiskars circle cutter using the oval template. I put acetate behind it and smudged with white ink to make it smokey. Then I added purple pannels that I stamped and inked. I bought some new stamps from Inkadinkado found at Michaels. They have some amazing clear stamp sets now- and I bought the Hallowe'en one and used the super cute spider one that came with it. Inking in white- then embossing with my mix of glitter/embossing powder gave the webs a bit of shimmer. Then I just added stickles in Starry Night. It was really simple. I just finished with some sheer purple ribbon and inked the edges with silver ink by colorbox. The center was really simple too, I just found a photo from the movie online, copied and pasted to Microsoft word and manipulated the shape to an oval, used dimmensionals to adhere it to a scallop oval and put that over the 'window'. I thought they were simple, yet cute. I got alot of positive feed back from friends and the customer herself loved them- so that's all that really matters :)
So I am happy that people are coming to me- tho I am still eager to start up a Facebook group of my own that I can advertise and sell stuff on. I do like the idea of doing it locally, plus I don't HAVE to make a lot of stuff like I would for a farmer's market. I can just take local orders, fill them and VOILA satisfied (hopefully) customers! Facebook- it's the new ebay lol. Well- not really- but for me. I wouldn't do ebay because shipping can be QUITE costly. BUT the kids are fighting and I can't concentrate. NOT a good time to blog- but a great time for some air. We still have snow- but it's slooooooowly melting. Here's hopein' for spring!

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