So I guess I have a lot to share on the personal front ;) Little Mathias turned one a few weeks ago and, tho I love him, has become QUITE the sucky baby. Everyone tells me to love this time of cuddles and needyness, but I tell ya, it's driving me CRAZY! I love Mat, I love cuddling him and holding him. I do miss it when the others were this little. But I also miss myself- make sense? Before Mat came along I had more free time to craft (and lets face it BLOG!) and I was getting my business under-way. I guess it's going to take better time managment on my part (and less facebook- damn facebook!) I do know that he'll eventually grow out of this stage (did I fail to mention that this kid does NOT sleep! He slept better as a newborn!)
Despite all this I have decided to start up not one but TWO new ventures!
Venture 1 is starting up a mini-day home. I am not talking a house full of kids- GOODNESS no :/ lol but I do watch my cousin's 2 children (plus my 4 is a housefull already!) It's nice because it's only M-F during the day so that's not too bad :)
Then next one is (and I am SO super excited!) becoming a STAMPIN' UP DEMONSTRATOR! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I have put in my app and deposit for a credit card and then I can order my kit before the end of March and start partying it up! I can not WAIT to start hosting workshops, promoting at Trade shows with my other home business (not home selling- just making and selling my crafts) cross partying with other businesses. EEKS! I already have a few people interested in parties and open houses. I am stoked ;)
So that's what I have been busy doing. Now after a half hour on the phone my morning has gotten away from me and it's already lunch!
So to end with, I have a project to share: hopped on the decorative block bandwagon- too fun!
Have an awesome day everyone~